Financial Dashboard & Professional Guidance

We believe our caregivers deserve a comprehensive financial dashboard and access to professional guides to help them make good decisions.

We offer an unbiased, economical “on-ramp” to financial planning with no advertising or products to sell.

We nurture our clients throughout their financial planning journey and look for opportunities to refer them to our trusted network of specialists when their needs exceed what we offer.

Conflict-Free Tools & Resources

Unfortunately, the misaligned financial incentives of many financial advisors often cause a feeling of “being sold” and do not foster trust.

Our tools and resources do not lead to any specific product recommendations.

Instead, our goal is to develop educated consumers who are confident and capable of navigating the complex universe of options for implementing their plans.

We have great relationships with Utah Valley University’s award-winning personal financial planning department and other organizations to establish our financial planning Residency program. We hire, train, and support these professionals as fpGuides while they gain the hands-on experience needed to become Certified Financial Planners®.

Our fpGuides have access to professional financial planning tools and are supported by a team of experienced Certified Financial Planners® and financial specialists to help you maximize the effectiveness of the planning and education tools.


Our partnership with Savology is instrumental in providing a dashboard for our users – not just a view of bank and investment accounts but a place to organize every aspect of your financial life. You can create a dashboard in under ten minutes that produces a report card and financial stress scores.

Based on this information, you gain access to curated, short-form videos, other micro-dosed education, and specific action items, allowing you to make informed decisions – either independently or with guidance from our team of experts.

We have customized the content in Savology to address the specific needs of physicians and added links to trusted resources.

The foundation of financial planning is organizing your financial life in a way that allows for informed decisions. We partner with ASA Financial to provide you with a comprehensive view of assets and debts using their patented, military-grade security and privacy platform. The ASA Vault gives you ultimate visibility and control over your financial and personal information and helps to reduce the threat of fraud dramatically. The vault provides safe, secure, and private access to many financial planning and well-being apps.