Doing Our Part
to Solve the
Burnout & Turnover Crisis
Our Mission:
Improve the well-being of physicians and other caregivers by reducing financial stress.
“Personal finance should not be a taboo well-being topic” - Brian Case, CFP®
The Burnout & Turnover Crisis
It only takes a quick Google search of “physician burnout” to return an unending list of articles and research to support the headline: Physician Burnout Will Burn All of Us
The Ultimate Price
A systematic literature review of physician suicide shows that the suicide rate among physicians is more than double that in the general population.
Missed Expectations
From the moment a young person announces they will become a doctor, society calls them a “rich doctor”.
For most, this is far from reality. Between their 10-15 years of school and training and an average of $300K of student loans, they play catch-up and often wonder why they chose the profession.
Very Smart, But…
Physicians put their heads down early on and learn how to care for us while ignoring subjects like business and finance.
This, coupled with years of practice being the smartest person in their exam/operating room, is a dangerous combination when it comes to personal finance.
If You Don’t Know “Why”, It’s Probably Money
It’s no secret that the single biggest source of stress in most households is MONEY… right up there with SEX. This holds true in physician families, where both topics are often taboo and not addressed until too late.
We believe that personal finance can be a healthy subject with the right tools, resources, and support.
We will leave the other taboo subject to experts in that field.
Strategic Alliances
We reach hundreds of thousands of physicians and other caregivers to offer them our trusted personal financial planning tools and resources.
Invented by The Mayo Clinic
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Meet the Team
Brian Case, CFP®
Co-Founder & CEO
Jerry Schreibstein, MD, WMCP®
Jonathan Moss, MBA, FHFMA
Anders Apgar, MD